Mobile Iron Centry provides access control for email. Sentry connects to Microsoft ActiveSync-enabled email systems such as Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Notes, Google Gmail, and Microsoft Office 365. MobileIron Sentry  is an in-line gateway that manages, encrypts, and secures traffic between the mobile device and back-end enterprise systems. Like the VSP, it may be deployed as a physical hardware appliance or a virtual appliance using VMware ESX. Mobile Iron Sentry is included in the Mobile Iron Advanced Management package, though the hardware appliance is sold separately.
MobileIron's Mobile@Work App connects your Android device to your company network so that you can easily and securely access email and other work resources. Mobile@Work App works in conjunction with a MobileIron Core server deployed by your company’s IT organization. .
In this post, I am using sentry-mobileiron-7.0.1-29.iso to do installation into Vmware Workstation 10.
Choose vm-install since I am using virtual machine installation:
Follow the screen instruction, step by step to provide all information:
login as: admin [email protected]'s password: ************************************************************ *          MobileIron Sentry CLI          * *                              * *                              * ************************************************************ Welcome admin it is Thu Mar 24 16:09:29 UTC 2016 [email protected]> enable Password: ?  clear    Reset functions  configure  Enter configuration mode  curl     Allows you to run curl operation  disable   Turn off privilized commands  end     Exit from privilige context  exit     Exit from the EXEC  help     Description of the interactive help system  host     Query Internet name servers  install   Install tools or rpms  logout    Exit from the EXEC  no      Negate a command or set to its defaults  ping     Send echo messages  poweroff   Power off the system.  reload    Halt and perform a cold restart  service   Allows you do service operations  setup    Run the SETUP command facility  show     Show running system information  software   Check for updates or update software  ssh     Open a ssh connection  telnet    Open a telnet connection  timeout   CLI Idle timeout.  traceroute  Trace route to destination  write    Save configuration show banner     clock      fips      hostname    interfaces   ip       kparams     log       logging     logtail     memory     ntp       processes    registration  running-config sentry     service     software    statichost   system     tcp       tech      timeout     version     Display running configuration interface GigabitEthernet 1  ip address  no shutdown  end interface GigabitEthernet 2  no ip address  shutdown  end interface GigabitEthernet 3  no ip address  shutdown  end interface GigabitEthernet 4  no ip address  shutdown  end ip route no dbconfig service ssh 5 service telnet 5 no service ntp service iptables enable ip name-server 0 ip name-server 1 ip domain-name hostname timeout 0 system user admin *** [email protected]# reload System configuration may have been modified. Save? [yes/no]: yes Configuration saved. Proceed with reload? [yes/no]: yes Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Thu Mar 24 17:58:05 2016): The system is going down for reboot NOW! |
After reboot, you should be able to access GUI interface. You will have to reboot once after the configuration to enable GUI access.
Where can I download the ISO? Can you share? [email protected]
ReplyDeleteI am facing a problem about data logging. An error about tty port and Unable to connect to MICS service. Can you tell me the solution?
I am facing in installing iso file on server.
ReplyDeleteReceived errors are:
1. Unable to connect to MICS server
2. tty port: Input/Output Error|
Can you please guide me?
Hello, maybe you can help. I "inherited" mobileiron VM with up-to-date version of VMware Tools but they are not running. How can I start VMware Tools in mobileiron? Thanks for your consideration!