Note: I am using SRX240H
Step 1: Insert your USB disk into USB0
Step 2: Find out Dev name for your USB
a. Through /dev folder. You have to carefully compare the difference after you inserted your USB
root@M-Prod% ls /dev
altroot     bpf11      bpf24      bpf37      cuau0      da0s4      kmem       pass1      ttyp1
ata       bpf12      bpf25      bpf38      cuau0.init    da0s4a      log       pci       ttyp2
bo0s1a      bpf13      bpf26      bpf39      cuau0.lock    da0s4c      md0       ptyp0      ttyp3
bo0s1c      bpf14      bpf27      bpf4       da0       da1       md1       ptyp1      ttyu0
bo0s2a      bpf15      bpf28      bpf40      da0s1      da1s1      md2       ptyp2      ttyu0.init
bo0s2c      bpf16      bpf29      bpf5       da0s1a      devctl      md3       ptyp3      ttyu0.lock
bo0s3c      bpf17      bpf3       bpf6       da0s1c      devstat     md4       random      urandom
bo0s3e      bpf18      bpf30      bpf7       da0s2      fd        mdctl      root       usb
bo0s3f      bpf19      bpf31      bpf8       da0s2a      fido       mem       rtfifo      usb0
bo0s4a      bpf2       bpf32      bpf9       da0s2c      fileassoc    nfs4       smb       usb1
bo0s4c      bpf20      bpf33      cfi0       da0s3      gblmem      nfslock     stderr      veriexec
bpf0       bpf21      bpf34      console     da0s3c      geom.ctl     null       stdin      xpt0
bpf1       bpf22      bpf35      cpld       da0s3e      gpio       octpkt      stdout      zero
bpf10      bpf23      bpf36      ctty       da0s3f      klog       pass0      ttyp0
b. Another better way is show your log messages
root@M-Prod> show log messages
Feb 18 12:25:44 M-Prod newsyslog[11050]: logfile turned over due to -F request
Feb 23 20:45:01 Â M-Prod sshd[56519]: subsystem request for netconf by user root
Feb 23 20:59:16 Â M-Prod /kernel: umass1: JetFlash Mass Storage Device, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 4
Feb 23 20:59:16 Â M-Prod /kernel: da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 target 0 lun 0
Feb 23 20:59:16 Â M-Prod /kernel: da1: <JetFlash TS2GJFV30 8.01> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
Feb 23 20:59:16 Â M-Prod /kernel: da1: 40.000MB/s transfers
Feb 23 20:59:16 Â M-Prod /kernel: da1: 1938MB (3969024 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 247C)
Step 3: Format USB and Label it
root@M-Prod% dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 bs=128k
dd: /dev/da1: end of device
15505+0 records in
15504+0 records out
2032140288 bytes transferred in 413.039683 secs (4919964 bytes/sec)
root@M-Prod% disklabel -R -w da1 auto
Step 4: Create File System
root@M-Prod% newfs -U /dev/da1
/dev/da1: 1938.0MB (3969020 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
    using 11 cylinder groups of 183.62MB, 11752 blks, 23552 inodes.
    with soft updates
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 376096, 752160, 1128224, 1504288, 1880352, 2256416, 2632480, 3008544, 3384608, 3760672
Step 5: Create snapshot and partition
root@M-Prod> request system snapshot media usb partition
Clearing current label...
Partitioning usb media (/dev/da1) ...
Step 6: Boot Off USB
 request system reboot media usb
Step 7:Â Restore the Junos Configuration:
request system snapshot media internal
If there is  no access to CLI, follow this procedure to do recovery:
Some useful commands when doing backup and restoring:
request routing-engine login node1
file copy node0:/var/jail/junos-srxsme-11.2R2.4-domestic.tgz node1:/var/jail/
root@SRX% md5 jinstall-ex-4200-10.4R1.9-domestic-signed.tgz
MD5 (jinstall-ex-4200-10.4R1.9-domestic-signed.tgz) = 38032c0e237a65b4cbc86a9c6ab06552
root@SRX> file checksum md5 /var/tmp/jinstall-ex-4200-10.4R1.9-domestic-signed.tgz
MD5 (/var/tmp/jinstall-ex-4200-10.4R1.9-domestic-signed.tgz) = 38032c0e237a65b4cbc86a9c6ab06552
upgrade error I met during upgrade SRX from 10.4 to 11.2:
root@SRX-Prod> request system software add /cf/var/jail/junos-srxsme-11.2R2.4-domestic.tgz no-copy no-validate
Formatting alternate root (/dev/da0s2a)...
/dev/da0s2a: 298.0MB (610284 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
    using 4 cylinder groups of 74.50MB, 4768 blks, 9600 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 152608, 305184, 457760
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Installing package '/altroot/cf/packages/install-tmp/junos-11.2R2.4-domestic' ...
verify-sig: cannot validate junos-boot-srxsme-11.2R2.4.tgz.sig
subject issuer mismatch: /C=US/ST=CA/L=Sunnyvale/O=Juniper Networks/OU=Juniper CA/CN=PackageCA/[email protected]
Installation failed for package '/altroot/cf/packages/install-tmp/junos-11.2R2.4-domestic'
Upgrade successful
root@SRX-Prod> request system software add no-copy no-validate /cf/var/jail/junos-srxsme-11.2R2.4-domestic.tgz
Formatting alternate root (/dev/da0s2a)...
/dev/da0s2a: 298.0MB (610284 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
    using 4 cylinder groups of 74.50MB, 4768 blks, 9600 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 152608, 305184, 457760
Installing package '/altroot/cf/packages/install-tmp/junos-11.2R2.4-domestic' ...
Verified junos-boot-srxsme-11.2R2.4.tgz signed by PackageProduction_11_2_0
Verified junos-srxsme-11.2R2.4-domestic signed by PackageProduction_11_2_0
Saving boot file package in /var/sw/pkg/junos-boot-srxsme-11.2R2.4.tgz
JUNOS 11.2R2.4 will become active at next reboot
WARNING: A reboot is required to load this software correctly
WARNING: Â Â Use the 'request system reboot' command
WARNING: Â Â Â Â when software installation is complete
Saving state for rollback ...
12 dropped packets during rebooting second SRX cluster member after frist SRX rebooted:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=126
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=126
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