F5 LTM / GTM Best Practice Deisgn With Routers and Firewalls - NETSEC


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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

F5 LTM / GTM Best Practice Deisgn With Routers and Firewalls

There are always questions how to place your F5 GTM and LTM. Different situation has different solution design. Here are some simple examples when I used to explain the location of LTM/GTM.

1. LTM only (Without GTM)

The devices order should look like this: 

Internet ---> Router ---> Firewall ---> F5 LTM  ---> DMZ Servers


Firewall Sandwiches:
Internet ---> Router --->F5 LTM  --> Firewall ---> F5 LTM ---> DMZ Servers

2. LTM With GTM

2.1 GTM in your data center

2.2 GTM outside of your data center

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