Cisco L2 L3 IOU Rack V5 (newer version from Cisco L2 L3 IOU Rack V3) - NETSEC


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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Cisco L2 L3 IOU Rack V5 (newer version from Cisco L2 L3 IOU Rack V3)

I was using Cisco L2 L3 IOU Rack V3 from flyxj for quite a while. Recently found Cisco L2 L3 IOU Rack V5. Not much difference except more devices in it for more complicated topology.

1. Vmware 10 workstation Configuration:

a. Create a custom linux vm with an existing virtual disk in your download file.
 b. Remove other unused hardware such as sounds, printer and usb. Add two more network cards.

2. After vm created, launch this vm. Here are some screenshots:

root /

/etc/issue and /etc/motd can be modified for the banner. 

Cisco L2/L3 I-O-U RackV5
Cisco L2/L3 I-O-U RackV5

3. Change eth0 IP address at /etc/network/interfaces

4. Change Login Banner at /etc/issue and /etc/motd

5. Change SSH Terminal to make it colorful


  1. Where can you download the V5 from?

  2. Google "Cisco L2 L3 IOU Rack V5", you will find lots of places to download it. Sorry I cannot provide the link here.

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