Recover Cisco 4507 Switch from a Continuous Reboot - NETSEC


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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Recover Cisco 4507 Switch from a Continuous Reboot

One of Cisco 4507R-E switch got a continuous reboot problem. It just got super engine replaced in the slot 3. During power on process, the console screen shows a rebooting cycle with the following output.

The related posts in this blog:

 *                                                        *
 * Welcome to Rom Monitor for WS-X45-SUP6-E System.       *
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.         *
 * All rights reserved.                                   *
 *                                                        *

Flash die # 0: AMD 67108864Bytes
Flash die # 1: AMD 67108864Bytes

Determining FTL format status of volume.
Volume is FTL formatted.

Checking the partition table and boot sector...
Checking FAT, Files and Directories...
Reclaiming unused space...
Updating FAT...
 Rom Monitor Program Version 12.2(44r)SG5
 CPU Rev: 2.0, Board Rev: 6, Board Type: 10, CPLD Jawa Rev: 18
 Chassis: WS-C4507R-E

Front Panel Phy is Bcm5482s
Got Mac Address: 00:25:84:1e:0d:8f

 MAC Address  : 00-25-84-1e-0d-8f
 Ip Address   : Not set.
 Netmask      : Not set.
 Gateway      : Not set.
 TftpServer   : Not set.

 ***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****

 Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
 . . . . .

 ******** The system will autoboot now ********

 config-register = 0x2
 Autobooting using BOOT variable specified file.....

 Current BOOT file is --- bootflash:/cat4500e-entservices-mz.152-1.E3.bin
 boot: can not load "bootflash:/cat4500e-entservices-mz.152-1.E3.bin"

 The switch will automatically reboot now...

It is obviously the reboot is caused by missing or corrupt image file. Also it may relate to an incorrect boot image is specified when setting up the boot variable, which prevents the booting of the system image.

The solution is pretty simple as well. Find out correct IOS file in system and set it as boot IOS.

 *                                                        *
 * Welcome to Rom Monitor for WS-X45-SUP6-E System.       *
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.         *
 * All rights reserved.                                   *
 *                                                        *

Flash die # 0: AMD 67108864Bytes
Flash die # 1: AMD 67108864Bytes

Determining FTL format status of volume.
Volume is FTL formatted.

Checking the partition table and boot sector...
Checking FAT, Files and Directories...
Reclaiming unused space...
Updating FAT...
 Rom Monitor Program Version 12.2(44r)SG5
 CPU Rev: 2.0, Board Rev: 6, Board Type: 10, CPLD Jawa Rev: 18
 Chassis: WS-C4507R-E

Front Panel Phy is Bcm5482s
Got Mac Address: 00:25:84:1e:0d:8f

 MAC Address  : 00-25-84-1e-0d-8f
 Ip Address   : Not set.
 Netmask      : Not set.
 Gateway      : Not set.
 TftpServer   : Not set.

 ***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****

 Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
 . . . . .
 Autoboot cancelled......... please wait!!!
rommon 1 > [interrupt]

rommon 2 >help
 alias              set and display aliases command
 boot               boot up an external process
 clear              clear configurations, use 'clear help' for more info
 confreg            configuration register utility
 dev                list the device table with physical device information
 dir                list filesystem information
 help               monitor builtin command help
 history            monitor command history
 macstats           print management port MAC statistics counters
 meminfo            main memory information
 ping               ping utility to determine network connectivity
 repeat             repeat a monitor command
 reset              system reset
 set                show/set environment vars, use 'set help' for more info
 sprom              serial eprom operations
 unalias            unset an alias
 unset              unset a monitor variable
 version            display Rom Monitor version information

rommon 4 >dir

 usage: dir { [ bootflash: ] | [ slot0: ] | [ usb0: ] }
rommon 5 >dir bootflash:

  File Size (Bytes)             File Name
      25443451                 cat4500e-entservicesk9-mz.122-53.SG.bin

   Total space = 131436544 bytes, Available = 98537472 bytes

rommon 6 >boot bootflash:cat4500e-entservicesk9-mz.122-53.SG.bin


1. Recover a Cisco IOS Catalyst 4500/4000 Series Switch from a Corrupt or Missing Image or in Rommon Mode

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