In this post, I am going to introduce another free software , Eventlog to Syslog. The Eventlog to Syslog utility is a program that runs on Microsoft Windows NT class operating systems monitoring the eventlog for new messages. When a new message appears in the eventlog, it is read, formatted, and forwarded to a UNIX syslog server.
1. Install Syslog Server - Kiwi Syslog Free Version
1.1 Download the Kiwi Syslog Daemon from the Kiwi from Download address: https://thwack.solarwinds.com/community/free-tools-and-trials
1.2 Run the Kiwi Syslog Daemon executable file to launch the installation program. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to install the Kiwi Syslog Daemon as a service.
1.3 Once the Kiwi Syslog Daemon is installed, start the program to start the Syslog Daemon.
1.4 Choose File > Setup,In the left pane, click Rules > Default > Actions > Log to File.
2. Download Eventlog-to-syslog software
3. Install evtsys.exe as a service
3.1 Install
unzip the downloaded file, you will get one file - evtsys.exe
copy this file to the folder c:\windows\system32。
3.2 evtsys Usage:
evtsys.exe -i|-u|-d [-h host] [-p port] [-q char]
-i Install service
-u Uninstall service
-d Debug: run as console program
-h host Name of log host (日志服务器IP地址)
-p port Port number of syslogd (日志服务器端口,默认是514)
-q char Quote messages with character
打开Windows命令提示符(开始->运行 输入CMD)
C:\>evtsys –i –h #(日志服务器的IP地址)
-i 表示安装成系统服务
-h 指定log服务器的IP地址
3.3 启动该服务:
C:\>net start evtsys
打开windows组策略编辑器 (开始->运行 输入 gpedit.msc)
在windows 设置-> 安全设置 -> 本地策略->审核策略中,打开你需要记录的windows日志。evtsys会实时的判断是否有新的windows日志产生,然后把新产生的日志转换成syslogd可识别的格式,通过UDP 3072端口发送给syslogd服务器。OK,所有的配置windows端配置完成.
3.4 卸载evtsys:
net stop evtsys
evtsys -u
- YouTube Video: Forwarding Windows Event Logs to Kiwi Syslog Server
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