CyberArk PSMP - PSM for SSH Installation - NETSEC


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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

CyberArk PSMP - PSM for SSH Installation

This post is to present the installation steps for PSMP. 


1 Minimum installation CentOS7

2 SSHD Service installed

Installation Steps

1 Copy the PSM for SSH servers software to the server which you downloaded from CyberArk Secure File Exchange (SFE) site.

unzip Privileged\ Session\ Manager\ SSH\ 

2 Create administrative users on the PSM for SSH servers machine for future administrative access.

useradd proxymng
passwd proxymng

3 Edit the vault.ini file to set your vault ip

vi vault.ini
address =

4 Create a credential file user.cred for the built-in Administrator user to do installation.

chmod 755 CreateCredFile
./CreateCredFile user.cred

5 Edit the PSMPparms file to define the installation path and accept the Software License Agreement

mv psmpparms.sample /var/tmp/psmpparms
vi /var/tmp/psmpparms
The full path of the installation folder that you created previously, and to where you copied the content of the PSM for SSH installation package.
Whether or not the PSM for SSH installation installs the CyberArk SSHD service or is integrated with the original service.

The default value is Yes.

For details, see InstallCyberArkSSHD parameter.
Whether or not you accept all the terms of the PSM for SSH end user license agreement. This agreement is on the installation package in the PSM installation package. Open this agreement and read it carefully, then set this parameter to Yes.
You will not be able to install the PSM for SSH until you accept all the terms of the license agreement
Whether or not the PSM for SSH hardening settings will be applied.
Whether or not installation creates the PSM for SSH environment in the Vault.
By default, this parameter is set to Yes.
For a standard installation set to Yes.
For an installation in stages set to No.

6 Install software RPM package

rpm -ivh CARKpsmp-
  •  -v – Displays additional information while installing.
  •  -h – Prints hash marks (#) as installation progresses.
PSM for SSH is installed in /etc/init.d/.

The installation runs automatically and does not require any interactive response from the user. When the installation is complete, the following message appears:

"Installation process completed successfully."

If there is any issue to troubleshooting, you can find the details at
7 Test

System Check

System Health

New PSMP Connection Components

YouTube Video:


1 Before Installing PSM for SSH

2 Install PSM for SSH.

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