Install / Upgrade to Windows 11 and Fix Minimum Requirements Issue - NETSEC


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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Install / Upgrade to Windows 11 and Fix Minimum Requirements Issue

Microsoft has scheduled what’s next for the Windows event on June 24. It will be an online affair that you could live stream at 8:30 PM, IST. At this event, the company is expected to announce the next version of Windows. Up till recently, there were rumors and speculation around whether this would be just Windows 10 Sun Valley (21H2) update or straight up called Windows 11. Well, it’s the latter as a fresh leak of Windows 11 has leaked online.

Windows 11 leaked! Released!

In what will come as a surprise, Windows 11 OS has leaked ahead of its purported launch date of June 24. However, the leak has given a sneak-peek into Windows 11 and this indicates it will come with a redesigned user interface and menu bar.
October 5, 2021, Windows 11 was released to the general public:

Github Project: Windows11Upgrade, a tool that bypasses new Microsoft´s requirements.

Installation Videos

Install Windows 11 on an Old HP ThinClinet T620

Install Windows 11 in VMWare Workstation

Using Win10 Image to Fix Minimum System Requirement Issue

Since the leaked version is development version although it includes home, professional, educational editions, it is still having some problem.

Here is a typical one:
This PC can't run Windows 11. 
This PC doesn't meet the minimum system requirements to install this version of Windows. For more information, visit

Fortunately, it is possible to bypass this system requirement and continue installing Windows 11. You will need following three tools and one USB disk (larger than 8GB):
2. Windows 10 ISO File  (, change to mobile site by enabling developer tool in Google Chrome )
3. Rufus 

Step 1: Download Rufus from
Step 2: Write Windows 10 ISO file into USB Disk

Step 3: Extract Windows 11 ISO file into a folder
Step 4: copy install.wim file under Windows 11 extracted folder's sources folder into Windows 10 USB stick's sources folder. 
note: you can delete windows 10's install.esd file to make more space for windows 11's install.wim file. 

Check following video for step by step guide:

Another Method to Upgrade to Windows 11

Using Windows11Upgrade tool to bypass Windows 11 minimum system requirement restriction:


YouTube video:

Windows 11 Download Address

Version name: Windows 11 Consumer Edition, including Home Edition / Professional Edition/ Professional Workstation / Home Single Language Edition, etc. 

File name: 21996.1.210529-1541.co_release_CLIENT_CONSUMER_x64FRE_en-us.iso

System language: United States-English (en-us)

File size: 4.53 GB

Release time: 2021-06-15 (Leak time is not compile time)

SHA-1 value: 3B6DA9194BA303AC7DBBF2E521716C809500919C



Baidu Netdisk:


Code: 6rsc 

Download Windows 11 image from Official Microsoft download site

VMware Workstation Pro v16 Download Link

VMware Workstation Pro v16.1.2 official version 

Official website download:

Easiest Way - Github Project for Windows 11 upgrade

Windows 11 Upgrade tool that bypasses new Microsoft´s requirements

Using Modified Win11 ISO

For example: Tiny11 's ISO file : tiny11 b2(no sysreq).iso

下载链接4---点击直达:Microsoft官网-Win 10
下载链接5---点击直达:Microsoft官网-Win 11


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