Juniper SRX Minor Alarm Messages - Autorecovery and Rescue Information - NETSEC


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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Juniper SRX Minor Alarm Messages - Autorecovery and Rescue Information

During working on Juniper products, such as SRX, NSM and Space, sometimes, there are minor alarms in the system and it requires some actions to clear those alarms based on different situation.


Here are some minor alarms I met during working on Juniper products.

1.  Autorecovery has recovered corrupted information

root@fw1-1> show system alarms    
No alarms currently active

1 alarms currently active
Alarm time               Class  Description
2015-10-18 12:36:25 UTC  Minor  Autorecovery has recovered corrupted information

2. Autorecovery information needs to be saved

root@fw2-1> show system alarms                        
2 alarms currently active
Alarm time               Class  Description
2015-11-22 16:49:31 UTC  Minor  Autorecovery has recovered corrupted information
2015-11-22 16:49:29 UTC  Minor  Autorecovery information needs to be saved

No alarms currently active

3. Rescue configuration is not set

Noticed there is a minor alarm message at SRX status in NSM, showing in the following screenshot:

When the mouse hanging over the Monor, it shows no value specified.

Lets log into device from CLI:

root@M-1> show system alarms
2 alarms currently active
Alarm time               Class  Description
2014-03-16 12:55:30 UTC  Minor  Autorecovery information needs to be saved
2014-03-16 12:55:29 UTC  Minor  Rescue configuration is not set

No alarms currently active


1.  for Minor Autorecovery has recovered corrupted information

Autorecovery has recovered corrupted information
This alarm indicates:
  • Boot time integrity check failed for certain items; however, the items have been recovered successfully.
  • No action is required.
  • Alarm will be cleared on next bootup.

2. for Autorecovery information needs to be saved

Save the Autorecovery state information

3. for Rescue configuration is not set

root@M-1> request system configuration rescue save

john@M-1> show system alarms
1 alarms currently active
Alarm time               Class  Description
2014-03-16 12:55:30 UTC  Minor  Autorecovery information needs to be saved

No alarms currently active

root@M-1> request system autorecovery state ?
Possible completions:
  clear                Delete previously saved autorecovery state
  recover              Check for problems and recover state if needed
  save                 Save autorecovery state
root@M-1> request system autorecovery state save
Saving config recovery information
Saving license recovery information
Saving BSD label recovery information

root@M-1> show system alarms
No alarms currently active

No alarms currently active

After a couple of minutes, take a look at NSM Device Status again, it shows green without any alarms.

Notes: you may need to reboot both cluster members one by one to clear those alarm messages from system.


SRX alarm: Autorecovery information needs to be saved
Understanding Integrity Check and Autorecovery of Configuration, Licenses, and Disk Information

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