ArcSight SIEM Logger Web, Search Examples, Use Case Reports - NETSEC


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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

ArcSight SIEM Logger Web, Search Examples, Use Case Reports

ArcSight Logger is one of products from Micro Focus SIEM platform. It  streams real-time data and categorizes them into specific logs and easily integrates with Security Operations. As a result, organizations of any size can use this high performance log data repository to aid in faster forensic analysis of IT operations, application development, and cyber security issues, and to simultaneously address multiple regulations.


search examples:
(((receiver = "51sec_syslog" ) and deviceProduct = "ASA") and deviceAction = "denied" ) and (destinationAddress = "" or destinationAddress = "" )| fields sourceAddress

((sourceAddress = "" and (destinationAddress ="" or destinationAddress ="" or destinationAddress ="" or destinationAddress ="") )) and not name = "Packet denied by Access List"| fields name,destinationPort

 Live Event Viewer




YouTube Video for Web Gui OverView:
Search Example:
a. sourceAddress= and name startswith "TCP" and name contains "DEN" | fields requestUrl

b.  ((name CONTAINS "Search.cgi Command Injection Vulnerability" ) and destinationAddress = "")  AND deviceInboundInterface CONTAINS "11"| fields sourceAddress,destinationAddress,deviceInboundInterface

c. CEF "failed" | dedup name

Removes duplicate events from search results. That is, events that contain the same value in the specified field. The first matching event is kept, and the subsequent events with the same value in the specified field are removed.

It will search all logs which has 'failed' word then listed first found one in name field.

d. deviceProduct = "IronPort Web Security Appliance" | fields message

Some Useful SIEM Use Case Reports
1. Routers/Switches/Firewalls Commands and Configuration Changes
2. Successful Device Login Summary
3. Internal IPS Permitted Events
4. Internal IPS Denied Events
5. Firewall Denials

1. Web Security Appliance URL Detections
2. Failed Device Login Details
3. Denied outbound connections by src-dst / src -ports
4. Remote VPN Authentication Report
5. IPS Top Attacks Weekly
6. IPS Top blocked events weekly
7. IPS Top allowed events weekly
8. Top WSA Websites
9. IronPort WSA Overview Weekly Report
10. IronPort ESA Overview Weekly Report


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