Configure Remote Connection RDP Tools (MSTSC, RDCM, MobaXterm, RDM) Integrate with PSM - NETSEC


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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Configure Remote Connection RDP Tools (MSTSC, RDCM, MobaXterm, RDM) Integrate with PSM

This post is to summarize the steps how to configure a remote connection manager tool to integrate with CyberArk PSM. In this way, you can directly RDP into target server through PSM, without logging into PVWA. Basically, this post gives you a way to launch transparent connections to target systems using a standard RDP client application.

Related Post:

Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (MSTSC)

To use Microsoft standard RDP client, Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (MSTSC), you will need to start a program with following command
  • psm /u {Priv_Account_Name} /a {PSM_Server_Name} /c PSM-RDP
For example: 

Windows 10 machines, Remote Desktop Connection might not have Program tab. Add the following line to the .rdp file: alternate shell:s:psm /u target-user /a target-address /c connection-component

Info: MSTSC has NLA enabled by default and the RDP connection will prompt a Windows Security window for authentication. To disable NLA when connecting with MSTSC, add the setting enablecredsspsupport:i:0 to one of the following files by editing the rdp file with notepad

Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager

Microsoft has retired MRDCM software and following link is not having download anymore. There is some serious vulnerabilities found in this software, although it is still very popular Remote Desktop Connection Manager tool.
You can download RDCM here: 

Search by google and found this link to download :
To integrate RDCM with CyberArk PSM, it requires some configuration changes on RDP file object. This post lists least step you will need to follow to get RDCM working with PSM. 

CyberArk KB:

Provide a short description of the article. The title appears in the article and in search results.
How to connect through Privileged Session Manager for Windows using Remote Desktop Connection Manager
Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCM) does not have the ability to disable credsspsupport and therefore you will be asked for credentials before the connection to the PSM is established. When connecting with an LDAP user this does not matter as it be able to automatically authenticate with these domain credentials however you will not be able to make connections when using CyberArk and RADIUS challenge-response authentication as their credentials are different.

Step-By-Step Instructions
Ensure the following group policy parameters are applied to the PSM server.
  • Always prompt for password upon connection - Disabled 
  • Require secure RPC communication - Enabled (this should already be enabled as part of hardening. 
  • Require use of specific security layer for remote (RDP) connections - Enabled - Set to RDP. 

You should now be able to use RADIUS challenge-response and CyberArk authentication with RDCM.


1      Open Connection Manager application on your desktop and create an entry for the target device.

Give each entry a meaningful name to indicate the target device details.

2       Configure the Server Settings tab:
2.1.   Populate the Server name field with the text {PSM-Server-Hostname}
2.2.   Enter a friendly name of your choice in the Display name field.

3        Configure the Connection Settings tab:
3.1.   Uncheck the Inherit from parent checkbox.
3.2.   Populate the Start program field with this string as shown in the sample screenshot below:
psm /u {Priv_Account_Name}@51Sec-ITPROSEC /a {Server_Name} /c PSM-RDP
            {Priv_Account_Name} = The username of the privileged account as defined in CyberArk; ie. MyUsernameAdmin
            {Server_Name} = The short name of the destination server name as resolvable via DNS; ie.  PrintServer

1   4   Configure the Logon Credentials tab as shown in the sample screenshot below:
4.1.   Uncheck the Inherit from parent checkbox
4.2.   Enter your non-privileged AD account username in the User name field
4.3.   Enter the text 51Sec-ITPROSEC in the Domain field

When you click to connect, you will enter the password for your non-privileged AD account.

Notes: How to connect to RDP Console / admin mode:
If you choose connect to console / admin, PSM will deny the session.

PSM server will tell you "The requested session access is denied".

  • Make a copy of the PSM-RDP connection component (lets call it PSM-RDP-ADMIN).
  • Set the "AlloweConnectToConsole" Value=Yes, Visible=Yes.
  • Add it to the desired platform
  • In RDP client where you specify the psm /u etc.. commands, change the /c to PSM-RDP-ADMIN

There is no "admin connect" in current version of MS-Windows after server 2003:
For 2003 or Windows XP you would need a custom connection component with mstc.exe /admin or mstc.exe /console as the command.


MobaXterm also support PSM well. Here are all configuration steps in the screenshot. 

Most important step is to configure Remote command "psm /u [email protected] /a /c PSM-RDP"

Create a domain user account and save it into credential list. 


So far, not find a good way to support remote command to launch "psm /u [email protected] /a /c PSM-RDP" after RDP logged in PSM .

Remote Desktop Manager Free Edition - Devolutions

How it is working for Devolutions RDM integrating with CyberArk PAM solution:

Account brokering inserts credentials on the back end (by integrating with the privileged account management solution), which means that end-users never see credentials in the first place. However, they can still access the necessary accounts to complete their day-to-day work. Not only is this much more secure, but it is highly efficient as well. End users get their work done, and SysAdmins do not have to deal with numerous access-related requests. In addition, all actions performed in Remote Desktop Manager can be logged and reported for auditing and compliance purposes.

Below is an example diagram demonstrating how Remote Desktop Manager integrates with CyberArk’s PAM Solution


  1. The end-user attempts to access a privileged remote connection through RDM.
  2. RDM confirms that the end user’s certificate is valid.
  3. RDM connects to CyberArk and requests the necessary credentials.
  4. CyberArk accepts the request and sends the credentials to RDM.
  5. The credentials are used to grant the end-user access, so they can complete their work-related task.
At no point in this process does the end-user see the credentials!

PSM Integration is PSM server ip address.

Here is the magic string:

You will not need to grant following settings:
On the PSM server, no need to allow domain users to log on through RDS:

Other examples from CyberArk Docs

YouTube Video:👀


1 comment:

  1. i have an administrative MMC console 'psm-mmc' working through both PVWA and an rdp file. the rdp file syntax is

    alternate shell:s:psm /u [my privileged account in cyberark] /a [] /c PSM-MMC

    although, looking at that, i'm not sure what the point of setting my domain as the target address does, since it's just opening an MMC console. the RDP file works great, but it goes full screen, hiding the local taskbar. interested in getting this into an microsoft RDCman 'server'. but the same syntax doesn't work. it seems to still be trying to RDP to even though i'm calling the PSM-MMC app

    psm /u [my privileged account in cyberark] /a [] /c PSM-MMC
