Enable Win10 Home RDP (Terminal Service) Feature & Tools To Switch Windows Version - NETSEC


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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Enable Win10 Home RDP (Terminal Service) Feature & Tools To Switch Windows Version

Different editions of the Windows operating system have varying feature sets and properties. An example of an important difference between Windows 10 Professional and Home editions is the Remote Desktop feature. When using the Home version of the operating system, you cannot use Remote Desktop. This can cause problems for employees attempting to work remotely with machines running Windows 10 Home editions.

Recently I just found there were a Github project which is able to help you to get RDP feature back from your Windows Home Edition. 

Post: https://www.51sec.org/2022/11/15/enable-win10-home-rdp-terminal-service-feature/


RDP Wrapper works as a layer between Service Control Manager and Terminal Services, so the original termsrv.dll file remains untouched. Also this method is very strong against Windows Update.Each Windows Update, you will need to have latest updated ini file to be updated to get it working for new version of Windows. 

Original Github : stascorp/rdpwrap - not updaed since 2018. 
A new updated version for ini file : sebaxakerhtc/rdpwrap.ini - still updating ini file which make this method still working well.

It is CAD $70 difference between Pro version and Home version.
  • Win10 Pro: CAD $259.99
  • Win10 Home: CAD $189.00

RDP function disabled from Home version although the necessary services and files are still residing in the home version system. Microsoft made this choice because these services and the functionality they provide are essential for support activities and may be necessary when using third-party software. Even after you install the RDPwrap software and enabled the RDP service, Windows 10 will still indicate that you cannot use Remote Desktop from your computer.

Warning: When Remote Desktop Connections are enabled, there is always the possibility that the service will be used by unauthorized individuals to compromise a computer system, especially for Windows Home Version system. All it takes are some stolen login credentials to allow hackers entry into your home computer.RDPwrap software subverts Windows 10 Home security to enable Remote Desktop Connections. While this is a less expensive alternative than upgrading from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional, it does open a potential vulnerability to the Wndows Home version operating system. 


If you read all above warning and still decided to save CAD$70 to enable RDP, here are steps you will need:

1 Download the latest RDP Wrapper library from Github zip file.

msi installation file is not work properly anymore with new version of Windows 10. 

2 Extract the zip then run the installation file (install.bat) to install the RDPwrap software. This software provides the necessary functionality to enable Remote Desktop from a Windows 10 Home system.

If you run RDPCONF.EXE t check terminal service status, you will find out remote desktop not enabled,  no service and no listener. 

3 Get ini file or copy ini file content from /rdpwrap.ini

4 Copy new ini file content into existing ini file

Run Powershell or CMD from administrator account, then edit rdpwrap.ini file from "c:\program files\rdp wrapper" folder.

After pasted into new ini content, restart the termserviec using net stop / start command

PS C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper> notepad .\rdpwrap.ini
PS C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper> net stop termservice
The Remote Desktop Services service is stopping.
The Remote Desktop Services service was stopped successfully.

PS C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper> net start termservice
The Remote Desktop Services service is starting.
The Remote Desktop Services service was started successfully.

Result and Features

Run RDPCONF.EXE file to check the configuration, you will find out service is running, listerner is running and the RDP version is fully supported. 

Key features:

  • RDP host server on any Windows edition beginning from Vista
  • Console and remote sessions at the same time
  • Using the same user simultaneously for local and remote logon (see configuration app)
  • Up to 15 concurrent sessions (the actual limitation depends on your hardware and OS version)
  • Console and RDP session shadowing (using Task Manager in Windows 7 and lower, and Remote Desktop Connection in Windows 8 and higher)
  • Full multi-monitor support for RDP host


2. WIN 实用设置工具

这款小工具支持 Win7、Win8、Win10、Win11 操作系统,一款针对 Win 系统一键设置相关功能的实用工具,直接打开软件,然后选择需要设置的功能,即可一键完成。

像常用的一键关闭 Windows Defender,禁止 Windows 系统自动更新,或隐藏任务栏资讯和兴趣这些等,功能非常多,大家可以自己研究下。

同时,支持将 Windows11 资源管理器恢复成 Windows10 资源管理器,还支持恢复之前的右键菜单及任务栏居左显示。




Ezoic Humix:


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