Alist Advanced Usages - NETSEC


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Saturday, January 7, 2023

Alist Advanced Usages

This post summarized some advanced usages of AList. 

Related Posts:

Add different network drive

Google Drive:

If you have your own Client ID, Client Secret, and refresh token, you can directly paste them in here. As to how to get your own Google Drive's following information, I will put them into another post to talk about it. 

AList author has an instruction page to show you how to  use a default client id / client secret to generate your refresh_token for your Google drive folder, using 
Unfortunately, google doesnot support this way anymore. You will get an access blocked error page.

To resolve this ,you might want to use a local installed Rclone to get refresh token. Please see my other posts for more information:

After you collected all those information, you can enter them into this AList page to add your Google Drive folder to show all the files / folders. 


Not like Google drive, the url for fetching refresh token works.

Here is the original author's post:

To make it simple, we can use to generate all information. 

Click purple button to fetch refresh token. It will ask you log into your Microsoft Onedrive account.

Baidu NetDisk:

For Baidu NetDisk, only thing you will need is Refresh Token. The problem is download function doesn't work properly. But multimedia preview function is working well.

S3 - BackBlaze 

I am only able to view root folder's content, and not able to go to sub folder. It just keeps showing root folder's conent. 


How to mount Alist into local windows?

Folder format: http(s)://

Doc URL:

Enter a username and password. 

AList Style



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  24. <a class="nav-link" href="" target="_blank">
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  27. 由Alist驱动
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  34. let interval = setInterval(() => {
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  7. <span id="timeDate">载入天数...</span><span id="times">载入时分秒...</span> <script language="javascript">
  8. var now = new Date();
  9. function createtime(){
  10. var grt= new Date("04/17/2022 00:00:00");/*---这里是网站的启用时间--*/
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  12. days = (now - grt ) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
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  14. hours = (now - grt ) / 1000 / 60 / 60 - (24 * dnum);
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  20. seconds = (now - grt ) / 1000 - (24 * 60 * 60 * dnum) - (60 * 60 * hnum) - (60 * mnum);
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不建议删除底部文字 请尊重开发者的劳动成果,谢谢


  1. <!---去掉底部管理--->
  2. <style>
  3. .footer span,.footer a:nth-of-type(2){
  4. display:none;
  5. }
  6. </style>

去掉底部的 Powered by Alist:

  1. <!--去掉底部Powered by Alist--->
  2. <style>
  3. .footer span,.footer a:nth-of-type(1){
  4. display:none;
  5. }
  6. </style>

去掉底部Powered by Alist和管理文字:

  1. <!---去掉底部文字--->
  2. <style
  3. type="text/css"> .footer {
  4. display: none !important; }
  5. </style>


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